Monday, June 7, 2010

We Didn't Mean Us...

When Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives, they did so with the stated intention to “drain the swamp” of corruption. Naturally, Democrats somehow believed that corruption was an attribute of Republicans only. This may be a revelation to them, but power’s corruptive influence knows no political, racial or ideological boundaries.

One of the methods for addressing what they claimed to be a right wing propensity for corruption was to create the Office of Congressional Ethics, proving that even politicians periodically create necessary and sensible devices to address their own abuses.

Now a subset of Democrats, specifically within the Congressional Black Caucus, is attempting to weaken the ability for oversight by this independent group because members of their caucus have been targets of its investigations (Black lawmakers want to limit new ethics office). Presumably Democrats have discovered that being humans themselves, they are equally prone to abuses of power and they're none too comfortable with that idea. While the leadership of this party are not supporting the effort, the push is no less an example of the hypocrisy to which we are regularly subjected by our elected officials.

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