Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Leon's Getting Larger

Despite the best efforts of the Ministry of Information, clues to the future of our economy continue to leak out. As I’ve said all along, nothing this administration is doing will benefit our economy in the long term. Further evidence of this fact can be found here “Private pay shrinks to historic lows”.

While our government has the ability to print money, it does not earn it. The money spent by the government is taxpayer money acquired through force. As this article shows, that money is now increasingly spent on the system under which we are all subjected. Rather than implementing policies which build jobs where money is generated, the administration continues to build the infrastructure where money is drained.

While this ultimately leads us to the likelihood of a one-term presidency, it comes at a cost for which we will all continue to pay indefinitely. The growth in government has historically been remarkably resilient to abridgment. Compounding this is the fact that no one of integrity has risen to a position of power in a very long time, so the next incarnation of big brother is likely to bring more of the same.

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