Thursday, May 20, 2010

More Of The Same

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed a Wall Street "reform" bill aimed at curbing the greedy appetites of the nation's investment class, proving once again that the current batch of elected "representatives" know nothing about either the Constitution, for which they've sworn an oath, or economics.

Sure, their rhetoric will be all about the abuses of the investing elite and defense of the downtrodden citizen, but make no mistake about their actual intentions. Remember that they are all supported by many of the same people they claim to be "correcting" with this legislation. Remember also that demonizing the wealthy is modus operandi of the elected elite. We can be sure that the current bill is laden with pork, that it is riddled with loopholes, and that it provides covert support for those self-same people against which it is presumably targeted.

What this country needs are more people like Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey and lone gunman against government ineptitude. Christie has proven, in his short tenure, that he isn't concerned about getting reelected. He has made enemies on both sides of the aisle in a state suffering under the yoke of massive deficits, oppressive taxation and burdensome entitlement. While the yahoos in Washington carve up a pie that has less to do with reality each day, he is vetoing new tax proposals that will drive away investment in his state (N.J. Gov. Chris Christie swiftly vetoes 'millionaires tax,' property tax rebate bills). He routinely chastises both elected official and private citizen alike for questioning his unflinching efforts to reign in out-of-control spending and abuses of power. Had we several dozen of his ilk, we could return common sense and the Constitution to their rightful places within our government.

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